Property of the Viewer

Name: Sadie Laing
Class: DS 228, Structural Enrichment 1
Major: Apparel Design

The design of this cowl scarf serves the purpose of furthering the piece's political message. The intent of this piece is to satirize and challenge the global perception of women as objects. The wearer, by covering the majority of their face with the phrase "PROPERTY OF THE VIEWER", forces any viewer to acknowledge their own judgement of women's appearances. This piece was created to combat the alarmingly common phenomenon of women being told by strangers to smile. The cowl's stark design references warning labels and the aesthetics of punk rock. These design decisions help to solidify the piece's overall message, which is that giving others control over one's appearance creates a dangerous imbalance of power between the viewers and the viewed.

*Recipient of the Ruth Davis Design Gallery Choice Award